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Blog 1: Excerpts from Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Authentic Health is a Birth Rite

Our task is not to heal.

Only the body can provide healing.

Our task is simply to

Seek, find, and remove blocks

to the individual’s perfect expression of health

-The Warriors Heart Retreat

Quantum physics has taken us to a new level of understanding regarding our perception of “reality”. Science has shown the existence of an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient essence that is the base of all life. This essence leaves a corpse at death and is, in my madness, what the Bible defines as the Word.

“In the beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God, and The Word was God The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him: and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3

In the beginning there was only the Creator, the Word. They are one and the same. (Hold onto this thought because later we will explore how ‘our word’ creates our reality.) Since “all things were made through the Creator and without that creative Word there was nothing made that was made,” then the Word is the Father of all creation. Also referred to as God, the Sound, the Logo’s, the Holy Spirit, the All That Is, or as Laotzu said: “The Great Tao which doeth all things”.

All the world’s great religions discuss this essence. It allows for both creation and evolution to be honored as possibilities for our existence and, perhaps most importantly, it gives us the road map home to our natural state of “oneness.”

Within this statement of creation lies the answer to every health question, financial challenge, emotional stress, or spiritual crisis. We must strive to return to the original vibration of the Word, to resonate with its loving perfection, that resonance will heal us physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It will create great abundance in our lives and the abundance will come from a place of universal authenticity.

Connecting to the Word will align our molecular vibrations in a way that allows us to be fully and peacefully self-expressed. It is the same peace that Jesus Christ, Mohammed, the Buddha, and Krishna spoke of. It is why the Buddha laughs.

That is our task, our job, our mission, to hold an awareness and support everyone we meet on their journey home to that perfect essence of creation so that one by one we find our way home. To a state of higher consciousness to ultimately change the world.

If this mission excites you then join me in the Creative Healer Program as we expand our awareness and or services so that we can begin to change everyone’s life, beginning with our own.

We will discuss how to do this in the blogs that follow.

I would like you to sit with the following “what if” statements for a minute to begin to experience the freedom inherent in them.

· What if Creative Energy does exist?

· What if Creative Energy spoke this creation into being through the Word?

· What if all life came from this perfect energetic vibration?

· What if all dis-ease, disease, and dysfunction physical, spiritual, and emotional comes from the distortion, interference, and resistance to the Word?

We know that everything is energy in various forms. The most reduced forms being molecules, atoms, quarks leptons etc. These are the physical manifestation, or the vibratory essence of the Word as it slows to make a denser form of itself called matter. The energy of the Word is what holds this entire creation of form together. It weights nothing and is intangible to most. However, as you become more aware of its presence you will be able to feel it; in fact, it is vital that you do. It is always, everywhere and is the mirror that reflects your personal reality.

It is widely understood that anything that disturbs this energy on a gross physical scale such as radiation, electrical wires, or radio waves, to name a few, can distort the body’s frequency enough to create cellular mutations.

This gross level affects our biology on the cellular level, but it goes far beyond that. Consider, for a moment, that your thoughts, your food, your family members, your friends, and your work each have a vibratory rate. If this is true, and we stay with the “what if” thought, then to create a new life, a new body, a new way of being, we must become aware of our energetic resonance and of how the energetic vibration of everything in our lives either enhance our own resonance, on the cellular level, or diminish it.

We must be interested in what we have created in our lives thus far exploring how and why we have created or attracted this thing called “our life.” Our goal is to release all resistance and return to our natural vibratory state. As we do this, we can re-create our lives more consciously and joyfully. This is how we grow. This is how we evolve as human beings. This is how we create a better world for our children and our grandchildren.

Just as the Word is the magic that animates every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. It also joins us together, we are all one, arising from the same energetic ocean and returning upon death to that same beautiful sea. Religions can and should be reminders of this ocean of love that all the prophets have spoken of. If we utilize this thought stream in our healing practice or for our self-healing then we can live our life at our greatest potential for health, vitality and personal awareness.

We will discuss how to do this in the blogs that follow.

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